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Modern Slavery

Modern Slavery Statement for the Financial Year 2024/2025


The Hollybrook Group of companies, including its associated companies and joint venture partners operate to develop residential, commercial and other properties in the UK. The Group’s combined turnover often exceeds the benchmark of £36 million, however is cyclical as can be expected when the lifecycle of developments often spans a number of years. Therefore, Hollybrook undertake to produce this annual statement to comply with the Modern Slavery Act 2015.

Company Structure

The Hollybrook Group operate through a number of companies, this statement applies to the main trading company and group and associated companies.

Direct Employment

The company employs rigorous checks to ensure it is fully compliant with all legal obligations in relation to pay, working hours, holiday leave etc for all staff directly employed.

Supply Chain

Hollybrook seeks to work with companies who share the same principles and who adhere to the policies implemented within the company. The company procures a wide range of goods and services through its business activities. Through its procurement practices, the company strives to ensure the suppliers of these goods and services are not in breach of the Modern Slavery Act 2015.

Analysis of risk of Modern Slavery

Hollybrook have reviewed its business operations and assess the following areas as most likely to pose a risk to modern slavery

  • Temporary recruitment through agencies – the company only uses reputable agency who can demonstrate that they adhere to policies to prevent Modern Slavery.
  • Sub-Contractors – through its procurement procedures, the Company seeks to continually minimise the risk of Modern Slavery through continual monitoring of its sub-contractors.
  • Materials – the company primarily relies on third parties to source materials and is therefore often a few steps removed from the supplier. Nonetheless, the Company monitors the supply chain and promotes awareness of the companies views on Modern Slavery and ethical suppliers.


All employees involved in the procurement of goods or services have been provided with this statement. Employees are aware that any suspicions of breaches of the Company’s stance on Modern Slavery should be report directly to senior management immediately.


Hollybrook are committed to ensuring that Modern Slavery does not play a role in its business operations. Policies to continually review and improve the Company’s position are in place and this statement will be updated annually.